
Nearpod is Nearby!!

  Nearpod is a Futuristic Tool!! Hi! Welcome to my blog!  We are always looking for new ways to assess our students' work, aren't we? No matter what curriculum is being taught, assessment is something we should do every day. Well, thanks to the latest mobile technology, we've made student assessment a breeze! It's called NearPod!! Here is the link: If your school has access to a series of iPads, then Nearpad is a must-have app! Now you can even use Nearpod on a student's mobile phone for remote teaching! The most important feature of the Nearpod is that it allows teachers to manage content on grade level devices. Teachers share content with students through teaching materials, lectures and presentations. This content is then received by the students  on their devices, who can participate in individual or group activities! I would use this adventurous tool mainly for primary and secondary school students inside and outside classroom! I'm goin...

Ted-Ed was Crea-Ted for Your ENGLISH Learning!!

  An Interactive Tool, Ted-Ed!! Hi everyone!! Welcome to my blog!! Today, I'll introduce you to an interactive online tool that you can use in your classroom! Ted Talk is a free presentation video service that is popular with English language learners, but have you ever heard of Ted-Ed? I have heard that the content of Ted Talk is academic and difficult, so I recommend Ted-Ed because it is easy to study for English language learning.   Here is the link: image by SchoolPRPro from pixabay: Advantages The first advantage is the large number of animated video channels!! It is not only for children, but also adults can enjoy watching, so university students and adults learning English can make the most of it for their studies. If you watch the animation and listen to the English, you can guess the content even if you cannot hear some of the English, and the unique animations are cute and exciting to watch!! And l...

YouGlish is Astonishing!!

YouGlish for English Language Learning! Hi!! Welcome to my blog!! When many people think of 'learning English on YouTube', they may think of subscribing to an English learning channel, watching videos and studying...  But there's a completely different way to utilise them! When you learn a new word or phrase, have you ever wished you could hear an example sentence with audio and subtitles to see how it is actually used? Today I will introduce you to a astonishing tool for your students! image by geralt from pixabay: The tool I recommend is YouGlish! YouGlish is a very useful website for beginners to advanced language learners to fulfil such selfish wishes. And you can incorporate this tool to support their English learning!! Here is the Link: How to Use YouGlish 1. how to search First, enter the word or phrase you want to hear in the search window. Next, choose which accent of English you want to hear. 2. how to w...

Let's use Pad-Let!!

Padlet helps students collaborate with each other! Hi!! Welcome to my blog!! Today I will introduce you to a innovative classroom tool called Padlet!! Padlet is a tool that can be used online, and allows various learners to write English and paste photos on one screen. image by Ramdlon from Pixabay: It's easy to share, so it's ideal for group work and activities to share ideas. Leaners simply paste their posts into a sharing form created by teachers. It has a good reputation among my colleagues and my students in Japanese schools. Here is the link: How to use Padlet 1. You can create an account for Padlet, but you can also log in with your Google account, so you can also register using that. After logging in, the dashboard will be displayed.  2. Press the pink button 'Make a Pudlet' in the upper left to create one board first. 3. There are various templates available, so choose the one that suits your teac...

Go Study with DuolinGo!!!

Why Not Duolingo?? Hi! Welcome to my blog!! Have you ever heard of the app called Duolingo?? To be honest, I'm a heavy user!! What's more, I have a one-year paid membership and am studying French every day!! I will tell you how marvellous this tool is!  image by Ralphs_Fotos from Pixabay: Duolingo is the world's most popular free language learning app. Today, learners can learn English in an enjoyable and exciting way. In this article, I'll show you how to use Duolingo to learn English!! Here is the link:  - The world's best way to learn a language Who is Duolingo for? How can I learn? Will it actually improve my English? I hope this article will help answer some of these questions, and give you some feedback from my own experience using Duolingo. What is Duolingo? Duolingo is a language-learning application which is quite popular in Japan, at least most of my friends use this tool to learn Engilsh. It is...

WebQuest is the Best!!

  WebQuest is the Smartest Way for EFL Hi!! Welcome to my blog!! Do you use Internet in your English language teaching?  The Internet is a huge educational resource and an effective tool for both learners and teachers. But, it is not always easy for teachers to use Internet as a teaching tool because the amount of information is so vast and the quality of the information is not consistent, making it difficult to provide learning materials in a way that is accessible to learners...Do you agree? But today I'm going to introduce you to a innovative online teaching material called WebQuest!! WebQuest is a teaching resource that allows  for students  to engage in problem-solved leaning tasks through a variety of activities, using information resources carefully selected by the teacher. So, it is a tool for 'scaffolding' that is of high value to both of us!! I would recommend you to use this tool for  primary school students and secondary school students. image by Sta...

What a Wonderfull Wordwall!!

Wordwall will Make You a Wonderfull Teacher!!   Welcome to my blog!! Are you seeking for a exciting tool to make you a creative and challenging teacher? Then, you're in the right place!! Today, I'm going to introduce a useful tool to you!! " Wordwall" is an online educational tool used to design practical content for students and this tool would make it easy for you to create your own teaching resources!!  It would be fun to have the freedom to create various activities and games to use in your English classes!!  image by DeltaWorks from Pixabay:   Here is the link:   There are many different activities to choose from, and you can create your own from a selection of templates. How to make a game 1. Click on the "Create Activity" button 2. Choose the type of game you want 3. Add words and images 4. Once you have created the game, press Done and play it from the Play      icon. This ...